6.7 Duane Syndrome


  • Hallmark: Retraction of the globe on attempted adduction (co-contraction of lateral and medial rectus), resulting in narrowing of palpebral fissure.


Congenital cranial dysinnervation disorder.

  1. CNVI nucleus absent
  2. CNIII nucleus innervates LR (inappropriately) and MR (appropriately)

95% are sporadic (rarely autosomal dominant).

(Huber) Classification

Type I (>50%)

Limited AbDuction ± Esotropia in primary (mostly straight)

Type II

Limited ADDuction ± Exotropia in primary

Type III

Limited AbDuction and ADDuction ± Esotropia in primary

NB: Count the number of D’s to determine the type!
Can also be classified: esotropic, exotropic, or orthotropic Duane Syndrome

Examination Structure

1. Visual Acuity (Best Corrected)

  • Amblyopia uncommon

2. Spectacles

3. Inspection

  1. Abnormal head position- head turn / tilt to the same side (in Type 1)
  2. Hirschberg (Pupil margin = 15°, Iris margin = 30°) - ± small esotropia (in Type 1)
  3. (Lids often normal in primary, close on attempted adduction)
  4. (Pupils normal)
  5. Inspect for systemic associations (ears, face, neck etc. - see below)
Figure 6.7.1a Left Duane Syndrome (Type III)

Figure 6.7.1
Left Duane Syndrome (Type III)
A: Limited adduction of the left eye. Not narrowing of the left palpebral fissure.

Figure 6.7.1b Left Duane Syndrome (Type III)

Figure 6.7.1
Left Duane Syndrome (Type III)

B: Eyes straight in primary.

Figure 6.7.1c Left Duane Syndrome (Type III)

Figure 6.7.1
Left Duane Syndrome (Type III)
C: Limited abduction of the left eye. No narrowing of the palpebral fissure.

4. Cover-Testing

  • Often straight in primary despite marked abduction deficit (in Type 1)

5. Ocular Rotations

  • ~ 85% Unilateral
  • Hallmark: Retraction of the globe on attempted adduction (co-contraction of lateral and medial recti), resulting in narrowing of palpebral fissure
  • ± Upshoot / Downshoot in adduction

6. Systemic Associations? (~30% of Patients)

Duane syndrome can be associated with:

Goldenhar Syndrome

  • L ipodermoid
  • U pper lid colobomas
  • M icrophthalmia, Microsomia (hemifacial)
  • P reauricular skin tags
  • E pibulbar dermoid / Ear anomalies
  • D uane syndrome


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